
What do you think of when you hear the words like “relaxation” and “relaxed”? Surprisingly, most consider relaxing as participating or involving themselves in an activity that is not related to work. Some everyday activities include reading a book, listening to music, or watching their favorite show on TV. Notably, everyone agrees that these actions and more are self-care activities because they help take our minds off things that classify as work. In short, we engage in these “non-work-related activities” to escape the tension, worry, and stress created by the things we do to make them – or work.

Before labeling jobs as the primary facilitator of stress and its co-conspirators against your well-being, it is essential to understand relaxation truly. Dictionaries primarily define relaxation as the state of being free from tension and anxiety. Another definition of relaxation is recreation or rest, especially after work. People tend to like the second definition because it places all those fun activities under the banner of self-care. Combined with the first, the strong push for self-care behavior, how it is justified, and why it receives recognition as a cure-all for relieving stress and anxiety emerges.

The blessings are bountiful concerning the positive benefits of being relaxed. The most straightforward example is a happier outlook, proven by research to protect against anxiety, stress, and depression. Other documented benefits include increased energy, enhanced creativity, expanded motivation, and more. There are also many physical positives, like improving the immune system and reducing the risk of physical illnesses like heart disease. By and large, the power of taking a moment to relax is clearly demonstrated and encouraged by practicing self-care activities regularly.

While every bit of information about this topic is lovely, it is still not enough to encourage and motivate the behavior of taking a moment to relax. If you have ever felt frustrated with the constant talk about self-care, you know precisely how difficult it can be to simply relax. Frustration increases when suggestions are made with the expectation that they can be completed during the middle of the workday.

What if I told you there is a way to achieve this desired behavior? Would it be an exciting prospect to know relaxation and all its benefits can be summoned at will? Is it interesting that the most successful people learned a way to do that? How motivated are you to learn this secret technique? The answer is hypnosis.

Remember that all behavior is learned by being committed to memory. Because these memories are stored based on triggers, we naturally carry out the response connected to that memory. For example, the top behavior said to anyone needing to relax is to take a deep breath, and it is favored because it is paired with stopping everything from completing it correctly. Moreover, this action helps clear the mind and prepares it to relax. The secret comes from applying this behavior as an automatic response to tension and anxiety.

Hypnosis is the fastest way to learn this behavior and make it an automatic response. Because our brains are designed to make a desired behavior automatic, it can take years to complete such a simple-yet-complex behavior. Hypnosis will achieve this behavior in a much shorter amount of time. Those who are highly successful learned the secret in that way. It is not exclusive to them – you, too, can enjoy the level of success you desire most.

Achieve your highest level of personal excellence! Contact us with any questions you may have! Schedule your free screening today!

Created by Milton on 9/13/2022