Motivation is composed of a complex combination of behavior and emotion, which creates the internal process that provides energy to its behavior, direction, and persistence. Energy is motivation’s behavior and suggests inner strength, which is strong, intense, and resilient. Direction is motivation’s purpose, being aimed or guided toward achieving a specific goal or outcome. Describing motivation as persistent states, it has endurance, shown by sustaining over time and across various situations. Given this information, research and demonstration produce and support this definition of motivation in the quest to define and understand why people behave in the ways they do.
Remember that as you give the first answer that comes to your mind to this question: what motivates you?
Some of the answers appear apparent, with the typical responses being things like money, success, and acknowledgment of accomplishments. What about these things motivates you? Astonishing as it sounds, many cannot answer this question because it is grossly overthought. The answers are in front of you and will shock you with their simplicity. In short, money, success, and acknowledgment are all things we like, and we want them enough to list them as quick answers easily.
If we accept these answers as truth, answer this question: why is it difficult to complete some easy tasks that we regularly complete because of these motivators?
Think of the simple task of getting to work on time. If one is motivated by money, success, and acknowledgment, why is tardiness something addressed by all employers? All three should inspire us to be on time to work. A total salary contends upon arriving to work on time, completing the tasks during the workday, and is acknowledged through the paycheck received for each pay period. Yet people lose their jobs because they are late to work too often.
Even more astounding is the definition commonly applied to the lack of motivation as the easy identification of what will not be done. Think about the times when your response has been, “Nope; I’m not going to do that” to a task set before you. That task denial is often quick – so quick that it feels like a reflex reaction. More importantly, this becomes an automatic response if presented with the same task multiple times. As a result, an automated response is created to avoid completing that specific task and often by any means possible.
Are you confident that this is the lack of motivation… or is it motivation… in action? Think of the energy put into what you claim you won’t do and apply it to something you will. Can you see how much more productive you can be? Is there an interest in how to harness and control this energy? You’re thinking, “Of course! Tell me how!!!” right?
Hypnosis is the answer to that question. One can discover its true motivations, learn how to harness and control its energy, and direct it to the areas of change in our lives. The change occurs because you want to make it a reality instead of a simple wish. Think about those you see that are extremely successful in fully understanding how this concept works. You have two things to accept: that they have used hypnosis to find, harness, and apply their motivation and that the same hypnosis is available to you.
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